
Sarah Pupo is an artist and art educator based in Tiotia:ke/Montreal. Her practice bridges watercolour painting, drawing, provisional installation, and lo-fi animation. Pupo’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, most recently at Occurrence (Tiotia:ke/Montréal, CA) and YYZ Artist’s Outlet (Tkaronto/Toronto, CA). In 2020 she was a resident artist at the British School in Rome. Other recent residencies include Atelier Circulaire (Tiotia:ke/Montreal, CA) and the CALQ Québec Studio in Mumbai, India. Her work is supported through grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.

Artist Statment

Uncertainty in looking creates openings for association. In my practice painted silks, provisional structures, drawings and other studio debris come together to create a slow, middle-space where shape, shadow, colour and light soften the senses and make room for poetic logics. As a visually impaired artist, I gravitate toward forms that aren’t quite sure of themselves. In the studio, objects and images come together, break down and re-form through actions of reuse, salvaging, stitching and pinning. Attention is paid to traces, imprints, off-cuts and remainders.  As a result of these actions, moments of interdependence and connection echo across form, material and surface. The works are often in a transitional state, leaning on walls and each other to support their fragile forms and necessitating a constant cycle of damage and repair.


© 2024 Sarah Pupo
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